IMIlashes is an innovative keratin lash treatment, its strength lies in its ability to boost the lash without having to resort to false lashes. The result is an enhanced lash line, yet very natural and realistic in appearance.
Single eyelash extensions are applied to individual natural lashes along the upper eyelid. The number will depend on the look you want and how many suitable natural lashes you have that can be treated.
At The Lash Lounge, we prioritize safe, professional, quality service with results that last. We only use exceptional products and provide the best service, so you can lie back, relax, then face the world with confidence.
This procedure is completely cruelty free. Unlike synthetic lashes, our 100 natural mink fur is free from any chemical processing and dye which allows for an extremely soft, lightweight, and natural look.
Using the simulation eyelash technology, the eyelashes can be as natural and soft as the human eyelashes. 3D design, magnify your eyes, enhance your personal charm, and make you stand out all the time.