Russian Volume is an extremely advanced technique that only the experienced and highly skilled technician can offer. Sadly there are a lot of technicians offering this treatment, but they are not correctly trained and are using incorrect techniques, or overloading the natural lashes. 

Russian Volume is the use of multiple ultra fine extensions, that are hand created at the time of application by the therapist using their specially designed tweezers. The therapist skilfully creates bouquets of eyelash extensions that are then placed onto the natural lash in a fanned effect, to create extra fluff, coverage and fullness than cannot be created with classic extensions. Although we use multiple extensions, the fan is still placed onto one individually isolated natural lash in a method that encases the natural lash, and results in great retention with zero damage.

Russian Volume is the most versatile lash treatment that we offer, and will suit most clients. Russian Volume is perfect for the older client with sparse natural lashes, where extra coverage and a soft fluffy look is required (light weight volume set 3/4/D). Russian Volume is also suitable for the client who desires a more glamorous and thicker looking set than can be achieved with classic lashes (heavy weight volume set 5/6D). The level of fullness can vary with Russian Volume, which allows us to create the effect suited to the client’s requirements.