IMILashes is located in Qingdao,China and has beening working on eyelashes for more than ten years and we can really assure you a good quality and warm reception.At IMILashes we are happy to provide wholesale eyelash accounts to all customers who qualified. We always put your benefit on the first place and try our best to give you the best feeling. Our lashes meterial is antibacterial, no harm to eyes and human body.And all lashes are handmade.Choose us for your best lashes vendor, will not let you down.
IMILashes is located in Qingdao,China and has beening working on eyelashes for more than ten years and we can really assure you a good quality and warm reception.

we are happy to provide wholesale eyelash accounts to all customers who qualified. 
We always put your benefit on the first place and try our best to give you the best feeling.
Our lashes meterial is antibacterial, no harm to eyes and human body.And all lashes are handmade.Choose us for your best lashes vendor, will not let you down.